Sunday 1 July 2012

I have realised that I'm not very good at keeping up with blogging because I don't get the same thing from writing happy stuff! The dark stuff that needs to be said carries with it some therapeutic value in the saying. The happy stuff is just there floating on the wave of living, happy but not nearly as good to write about as the crap. Hmmmm, the crap, the trouble with that is that it's my crap and I'm not sure I want to share it anyway. Not sure anyone would be interested but just imagining if someone was and did read it, not really what I want.

it''s the crap inside my head
stops me from going to bed
i lie awake waiting for
sleep to come, me to snore
the crap floating in my brain
just those horrid dreams again
easier just to sit and wait
to stay up very very late
then at last when down I lie
I am asleep before I close my eyes

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